Welcome to Please-invest !!
Here isn’t much to know about us. We are an investment site and we are kindly asking you to invest. You invest, you make money, you withdraw. Plain and Simple!
Referral Program You will earn 5% of the daily profits of your referrals.
Our name says it best; Please Invest. At Please Invest we keep it simple, we pay variable daily returns which are compounded onto your account balance. All accounts compound at 100% and you can withdraw a little or everything at any point. No questions asked. Our past performance can be found by clicking Payout History.
Benefits of Please Invest :
› Control of funds 24X7
› Fast support response
› Compounding available
› You don't ask questions and we won't either
Join Now
Monday, April 16, 2007
Please-Invest => Variable daily rates compounded
Posted by Aris Martant at 2:50 AM
Labels: investment
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Only Rp. 25,000.- ($2.5) to Get Rp. 5 Billion
Hi there,
Each of us must have a dream to be a millionaire one day.
Some of us has become a millionaire through a hard work and for sure a big investment with a very high risk, but remember that most of us is still dreaming and wait for a chance to become one.
Internet technology now offers unlimited amount income for us. It's just a matter on how we grab the opportunity. Arisan-10 has been introduced as one of the program to generate income easily, at no risk.
By spending only $ 2.5 to upgrade your membership, you would then have the opportunity to earn income of $ 526601 in the future with a very low effort. (see rules)
Our concept is based on a team work in which that a new member share his/her upgraded fee with his/her sponsors to award their effort to invite to join us. We also help our members to recruit through our intensive promotion program.
Some of you may not know how to recruit?. Do not worry, we also provide tools for you to invite your new members through direct e-mail as well as group e-mails.
Now is the time for you to act, register your name with us and be our upgraded member. You would never regret.
Aris Martant
Indonesia Version
Netter terhormat,
Setiap manusia bermimpi untuk menjadi miliarder pada suatu hari. Bagi anda yang telah berhasil sudah tentu telah melalui proses yang tidak mudah dengan resiko yang tinggi, temasuk juga biaya yang tidak sedikit. Masih banyak diantara kita mungkin juga termasuk anda masih tetap bermimpi karena belum mempunyai kesempatan maupun modal.
Dunia maya (internet) telah berkembang menjadi sumber dana dalam jumlah yang tidak terbatas, akan tetapi kita tidak tahu bagaimana cara memanfaatkan sumber dana tersebut secara maksimal.
Banyak penawaran untuk menjadi kaya dengan cepat dan mudah di internet, akan tetapi dengan resiko yang sangat tinggi. Banyak yang berhasil akan tetapi lebih bayak lagi yang gagal.
Berdasarkan pengalaman kami yang telah lama berkecimpung di dunia internet, kami menyajikan kesempatan kepada netter sekalian untuk mejadi miliarder dangan biaya dan resiko yang sangat kecil hanya dengan biaya Rp.25,000 sekali bayar.
Prinsip dasar konsep ini adalah gotong royong, dimana peserta yang lebih awal bergabung akan mendapat bagian dari iuran yang dibayarkan oleh peserta baru.
Dengan struktur pembagian iuran kami secara matematis setiap peserta mempunyai kesempatan untuk memperoleh penghasilan sebesar Rp. jumlah yang secara otomatis akan menempatkan anda menjadi seorang miliarder baru suatu saat.
Jangan sia-siakan waktu anda, bergabunglah dengan kami sekarang !!!.
Netter Terhormat,
Bayangkan apa yang dapat anda lakukan dengan Rp. 25.000. Dapatkah anda menjadi milioner / milyarder dengan uang sebesar Rp.
25.000 ?.
Jika seandainya anda menabung uang Rp. 25.000 tersebut sekarang, mungkin anda hanya bermimpi kalau mengharapkan uang tersebut
berkembang menjadi Rp., apalagi kalau menjadi Rp. .
http://arisan-10.dollarfactory.biz/?id= 255
Jangan sia-siakan waktu anda, silahkan bergabung bersama kami. Dengan sedikit usaha secara bergotong royong, anda
berkesempatan menjadi kaya. Pendaftaran Gratis dengan masa evaluasi 7 hari.
Program ini cocok untuk semua kalangan termasuk organisasi-organisa si kemasyarakatan yang membutuhkan penggalangan dana.
"Murah, Mudah, Hasil Besar"
Raih TOSHIBA note book computer gratis bagi TOP SPONSOR.
Arisan-10 juga dilengkapi dengan fasilitas "UNDANG REKAN" dan "UNDANG MILIS" yang dapat digunakan oleh peserta untuk
mengembangkan jaringannya dengan mudah.
Seandainya anda tidak tertarik, kami mohon kesediaan anda untuk menyampaikan (forward) e-mail ini ke rekan-rekan anda yang
lain, mungkin saja mereka membutuhkannya.
Posted by Aris Martant at 7:33 PM
Labels: Matrix Programes
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Fummo- Free opportunity to make money online!
Fummo is advertising company where our members can earn free money doing simple and free offers, Searching using our search engine, viewing advertisments, and Inviting friends to join under your referal link!
Our Goal is to Offer for everyone chance to earn real money without spending much time.
We are making money from each of our member so we can also pay to each of our member, because there is a lot of company's who want to be noticed and advertised, so we are here to help them and also to you! All is very simple we get paid by another company's and we pay you, so everyone wins!
Our Main Goal is to reach at least 400,000 Registered members before 20.may and another 1,000,000 by the end of year 2007, Our team is based of 4peoples who are improving our system and advertise it at all world!
You won't regret if you will join Fummo now because you will be able to earn free money Starting from the time when you register at our site for as long time as you wish!
So don't stay away and join Fummo and invite your friends also to join under you and get $5 from each your friend! It's worth it!
Posted by Aris Martant at 3:46 AM
Labels: Affiliate Programes